
What Goes Around Comes Around (Sasuke One-shot)

The sun was starting to set and the blue sky was overwhelmed by a dark, firey light. The wind blew harshly thrusting the trees in all directions. Its sound was more of a cry than a whistle. There wasn't even a cloud insight; for they knew the day was already gloomy. For hours he hid, not moving an inch. Even long after the crowd had dispersed; in the orchard he still remained.

He was everything the stories said he would be. He wore a white long sleeve shirt with an opening to show off his chest, and purple baggy pants held up by a rope-like belt around his waist. There also was a holder for his chakra blade. He didn't wear a headband; instead, he chose the ways of a rogue ninja. Yet, it wasn't his appearance the stories were about; it was his eyes. They were temptation, a dangerous pair; get caught under their spell and there'd be no escape.

He looked at her with those eyes. The Sharingan. She knew its power too well, yet she couldn't bring herself to look away. He was weary looking; in terrible shape. He took a bad beating, and his left shoulder blade was seeping out large amounts of blood.

"You're a medic from Novo," he faintly says. "I need your help."

His body nearly collapsed, but she caught him using herself as leverage.

They rested in an abandoned village. They found a small stuffy hotel for her to mend his wounds. They weren't alone, his three comrades came along.

"I thought I told you to wait unless I said otherwise?" he hissed.

"Sorry Sasuke, but Karin sensed another chakra presence near you, so we came to find you."

'Sasuke, the Sasuke Uchiha?'

Her hands started to tremble. She couldn't believe this was the Sasuke Uchiha she was treating; the betrayer of Konoha and his family name. He was the most promising student there, but he chose the easy way to become strong by selling his sole to the serpent. Now he's become one himself.

"Speaking of which, I wonder what's taking Karin so long."

"Then go find her Suigetsu! Take Juugo too!" Sasuke demanded.

Even when Sasuke is fatigued, he still has a fierce presence. She didn't say much to him, for she feared Sasuke herself.

"I uh. . ." she said breaking the silence. "I want to thank you for saving me."

"And here I thought you were a mute." Sasuke teased. "I knew a member of the Akatsuki was close; you just happened to be there."

"Well I stand by what I said. Though in my defense I had it sorted," she bluffed.

"What's your name?" Sasuke asked.

"Rayna," she replied.

"So what commerce do you have with the Akatsuki?"

Before she could answer, the door in their room whipped open. His comrades came barging in. They were being followed! Sasuke immediately got up and threw on his cloak. Rayna just observed their actions; they were debating who was following them and what to do about it.

"Get up, we're heading out," Sasuke told Rayna.

"I have my own trail to follow," she declined.

Sasuke took Rayna by the wrist and gripped tightly to prevent her from escaping.

"Sasuke, are you sure you should be up and moving like that?" Karin asked.

"Absorbing Orochimaru's power in me has increased my ability to heal faster," he replied.

"It's a no wonder Sasuke was able to summon those snakes; he's using Orochimaru's power.'

"We need to continue the search for Itachi." Sasuke added.

He carried Rayna on his back and began his search. His teammates decided to create a diversion by scattering Sasuke's torn clothes in every direction.

Rayna looked back at the abandoned village they just came from. Sasuke was pulling her farther and farther away from Novo. She needed to get there and inform Novo about their new request. Sasuke's body was tense, and that look in his eyes reappeared, which made her nervous.

"He's been gone longer than he said he would," Suigetsu spoke.

Sasuke had left the three members of Team Hawk behind to watch Rayna. They hid in a cave close enough to the Uchiha compound where Sasuke had gone to fight his older brother, Itachi. Their job was to ward off the Leaf followers. But the longer they camped, the closer the Leaf ninja were getting.

"Come on. It's starting to rain again. That'll buy us some time, since it wipes away our scent," Karin ordered. "Let's meet up with Sasuke."

"Umm, hey guys! Where's the girl?" Juugo asked.

"Who cares? Let's go!"

It was pure luck that Rayna was able to quietly escape from Team Hawk. She stopped at a large tree trunk and used her sword to slice a deep visible mark. When she spotted one of Naruto's shadow clones earlier, she had been secretly leading them to their location.

~~ I ~~

Rayna was questioned about the loss of her colleagues, but the people of Novo were relieved of her safe return. Novo is located in the Land of Waterfalls; it's a small quiet neutral country. Almost every villager there was a medic. Because Novo is such a huge target, the first founder suggestedthattheykeep their defenses high; so those that weren't healers were samurai.Rayna observed the village. Children were playing in the meadows while their mothers planted and picked at the gardens to produce medicine.The Land of Waterfalls was far from all the Elemental Countries, but they weren't out of date. Because Novo is a healing village, ninja from all sorts of countries — those that came in peace — would come to Novo for medical attention. Rayna suddenly felt a weight of guilt on her shoulders. She had to inform the people of Konoha's request.

Night had fallen upon the village. Soon all the lights in Novo had gone out. The moon was shining brightly in the sky and only a few stars were seen.Rayna had used up all of her healing ointment on Sasuke earlier, so she went out to the outskirts where the Waterfalls lie to make more products.

"You neglected to answer my question," Sasuke remarked.

Rayna stopped and looked at him. He wore bandages (once again) around most of his body, but some areas had blood leaking through them.

"Let me give you fresh bandages," she offered.

He wasn't healing as rapidly as before. Something was different about him. His eyes? They were swollen, but that's not it!

"The reason for the Akatsuki attack is a mystery to me. Then again, Novo has had it's share of constant enemy attacks."

"Akatsuki has lost a few members recently, and Novo is the only village that can revive."

Sasuke never took his eyes off of her. Every move she made he stared at her. His face blushed when she touched around his ribcage. Rayna was only checking for broken bones. Her fingers were cold. So cold, it made Sasuke cringe.

"Stories say that the ability to revive runs through genetics. It's not something that can be taught or stolen. Although, healers nowadays have grown to be quite inexplicable."

"Rayna," Sasuke spoke grabbing her hands. He tried to warm them up.

She melted at the way he said her name. It was a sharp, but stunning sound. She looked at Sasuke and saw an entirely different person. She saw the Sasuke that supposedly died two and a half years ago. He no longer had that wicked look in his eyes.

'Is this the same man whom only breathed vengeance? The ninja who killed his older brother?'

The moon's light reflected off the back of his head making his face glow. It's almost as if the moon brought out the light in Sasuke and destroyed the darkness within him.

"Tell me," she said. "You got you revenge. What will you do now?"

~~~ II ~~~

For three years Sasuke and Rayna continued their unusual bond. She urged him to stay away and never return to Novo again, but as always, Sasuke rebelled. He would visit her as often as he could, leaving her to wait up for him. If he was in need of her healing, she would oblige and eagerly listen to the outcomes of his recent battles.

"I swear one of these days you're going to end up killing yourself on accident," Rayna mocked. "And I thought Naruto was a dumb bruit. "

She didn't notice Sasuke tense up when she mentioned that name.

"You're affiliated with Naruto?" he bitterly asked.

"The Land of Waterfalls is affiliated with ninja from all the hidden villages. Well, maybe not all," Rayna replied.She no longer became afraid whenever Sasuke turned stone cold."Drink this. It replenishes all the damaged cells and chakra vessels in your body."

Sasuke took the vial and for once obeyed her command. He drank the vial and shot Rayna a peculiar look.

"It's water!"

"Straight from our waterfalls. Finest in the world. We call it Acqua Water. No other villages contain medicine like us," she gloated.

Sasuke drank the entire vial. Then he looked at Rayna through the corner of his eye and caught her smirking at him.


"You smiled," she teased.

Sasuke's eyes widened. "I did not smile."

"Yeah you did. You smiled."


"Like five seconds ago."

"Five seconds wasn't too long ago, and I can tell you that I did not smile within those seconds."

"Okay twelve seconds ago."

By now Rayna was doing all she could to contain her laughter. She had never seen Sasuke show a warm smile before.

"You're crazy."

"Why are you getting so worked up? Is smiling forbidden?"

"It was a smirk."

"I saw teeth, it was a smile."

"Alright, how about this, how about we have a contest. We'll see how long it takes for one of us to smile," Sasuke proposed.

They fell silent and stared at each other. Sasuke easily put on a straight face while Rayna fought to restrain herself. Her laughter was contagious. It brought light in dark places, including Sasuke's own heart. And her smile brought the red right out of him. His heart began beating faster and louder; he inched his face towards her. Rayna paused when she felt a gentle peck on her cheek. She looked at Sasuke unable to say a word. He gaped upon her with admiration; now it was her turn to blush.

"Why won't you come with me?"

He brought his hand up to caress her soft face. She rested her icy hands on his, and looked away from him. She gaped over her village.

"This is my home Sasuke. I can't abandon it."


Rayna looked back at him. "What's so funny?"

"You still don't get it do you?" he remarked.

"Get what?"

This time, leaning closer, Sasuke got her right on the lips. What started as a fragile touch soon became aggressively passionate. Tongues were exchanged and bodies were seduced. Then Sasuke thrusts himself on top of Rayna and used his weight to pin her down. Rayna gave in; she knew in her heart she deeply desired him. Sasuke uses his legs to separate hers. His hands traced every curve on her body.Once he broke away from the kiss, he whispered in her ear. "You're mine. . . "

~~ III ~~

Madara Uchiha. The leader of Akatsuki, and also one of the founders of Konoha. When Sasuke targeted Konoha, and fought alongside with Madara, he became so focused on his vengeful purposes that he almost forgot about Rayna — almost. Many nights he thought of her: her smile, her laugh, and her mind. Sasuke was desperate.Reminiscing back to when he last saw her, her body was weak and she coughed up blood occasionally. He was afraid to lose her; he couldn't lose her. Sasuke needed to find a powerful jutsu to heal her.

"Forget about the girl Sasuke. She is only a distraction." Madara encouraged, "Remember what you told Karin before she was stabbed?"

"Rayna is different. I'll never think of her as a burden to me. She is a piece of treasure that is rare and too valuable to lose. I'd put my life on the line for her," Sasuke replied.

"Valuable indeed," Madara agreed. "Let me tell you something about the Queen of Novo."

It's been four years since Sasuke had last appeared unto these lands. He stood before the entrance gate of Novo; the entire village was deserted. Not a soul insight, but with his Mangkeyo Sharingan, Sasuke located only one charka presence waiting for him at the outskirts of Novo.

Rayna's small figure stood before Sasuke. She seemed very under the weather. Sasuke glowered. He saw her eyes were in the form of the Sharingan; it's harsh red color overwhelmed her pasty skin.

"Rayna Uchiha," he hissed. "Ruler of these lands."

She peered back at him blankly. "I see Madara has filled in the blanks," her sword was already drawn.

"You were a spy from Konoha," Sasuke's rage broadened intensely towards her. "Your order was to turn me in to the ANBU!"

His actions confirmed his frustration. Sasuke's eyes heaped with enmity. For seven years, Rayna furtively plotted to betray Sasuke. To kill him.

"You blinded my eyes so I couldn't see through your duplicity!"

Rayna kept silent. She had successfully discovered Sasuke's weakness. It was her.

"I told you Sasuke," she replied in a hoarse tone, "the Land of Waterfalls is affiliated with most of the Hidden villages. Yes, it was ordered to arrest you if we saw you—"

"Then why, why didn't you turn me in?!" Sasuke screamed.

The blank stare on her face turned into a melancholic apology. Her eyes were swollen from the tears she shed, "Because I love you!" Rayna cried."I couldn't turn you in. I never even told the villagers of Konoha's order. I tried to push you away, but you wouldn't listen. Though, every time you rebelled, I was overjoyed. But now . . ."

She looked at Sasuke; he had his chakra blade in his left hand. He slowly started walking towards her. Mixed emotions battled inside of him. He loved her, but hated the agony she caused him.

"All those times you caused those close to you torment and grief, it's finally coming back to you."

"I trusted you. I thought you were—"

"Except it wasn't my fault now was it?"

Sasuke didn't comprehend what she was saying.

"Madara never told you? He was apart of the Uchiha massacre. A task only Itachi was ordered to do. Itachi was convinced that Madara's intentions were the same, but turns out they're quite the opposite. You've known that all along haven't you?"

"Just like me, you survived, and I would've remembered if you lived at our compound."

Rayna gave a slow smile. "Madara's bitterness grew greater and greater towards the Hidden Leaf village. When I was born, Izuna Uchiha suggested that I'd be raised in a foreign land. Of course this was all done without Madara's knowledge. I was a threat and a gift to him. I was blessed with the power to revive, but Izuna passed down a powerful jutsu that will destroy Madara's iniquity against Konoha." she explained. "Izuna's own offspring weren't capable of attaining this jutsu, so he waited until they had offspring of their own."

"So . . that makes you . . ."

"Yes. I am the granddaughter of Izuna Uchiha, the younger brother of Madara Uchiha," Rayna admitted. "He never told you that did he? He only told you the details to get you to hate me and slay me. Because if I'm dead, there's no one else capable to stop him. Why do you think I ordered my people to evacuate Novo?"

Sasuke was now inches away from her. His hand shook with uncertainty. He couldn't bring himself to kill her. She brought him peace when he had none.

He leaned in to kiss her. Sasuke poured all of his anger, frustration, and pain into that kiss. He bit her lip hard enough for it to bleed, and jammed his tongue far down her throat. Then a sudden taste of salty tears streamed down and entered their mouths. The love Sasuke had for Rayna was too great, but losing her would intensify the ache.

"Will you finally come with me?" Sasuke pled. "We can restore our clan and leave this mess behind."

"We already have Sasuke; five years ago."

His jaw dropped, and his eyes widened with disbelief.

"Y-you. . we. . "he stammered.

"Reviving comes with a price. Time has run out for me. I had to hide them from Madara, and even from you," Rayna confessed. "Oh Sasuke you wouldn't believe the resemblance."

~~ IV ~~

For months Sasuke searched every land to find them; the heirs of his name. How Rayna was capable of keeping that a secret from Sasuke was mystifying. she gave no hint to him, and he couldn't even find them with his Mangekyo Sharingan.

"Don't look for them Sasuke. Their fates lie somewhere else, not on vengeance or revulsion. Don't destroy the innocence. Let them be."

The sun had completely vanished and wind had finally died down. Sorrow spread throughout the Land of Waterfalls. The memorial service hosted an even greater host. Allies from multiple hidden villages attended to say their last farewell. Though underage at the start, Izuna made the right choice when he pled the first Ruler to adopt an heir. One by one, the multitude withered away. When he was certain nobody was around, Sasuke made his way to the outskirts of Novo. Waiting for him there was a giant headstone planted next to the waterfall. White roses were set upon the grave, and pink flower pedals danced around the headstone. He was dead inside, but nevertheless there was a dim light still shinning within. He gazed down at the headstone and read what was ingraved:

Rayna UchihaOctober 23rdThird Queen of Novo, age 11 to 22 years old

What Went Around Came Back (Sasuke One-shot)

“If you do succeed in the hunt, I will allow for you to bid your price, within reason,” spoke a dark cloaked phantom.             “It will be a bit more difficult than most, but rest assure you will have what you seek,” a stronger, higher-pitched voice answered.             “My men are too few, and they have their own businesses to attend to. I heard you’re the very best, better than the ANBU.”             “I will do what I can.”             “If you should fail, the consequence shall be death.”             “Word of my death should ever reach my master . . . . let’s just say we know how to turn tables.”             “So do I. Just start the hunt, and bring back the souvenir.”             The bounty hunter bowed and left in a flash.             Sasuke quietly mourned in his booth and stared at his plate. It looked exactly the way it did when it was brought out. Suigetsu and Jugo exchanged glances at each other. They didn’t know the difference, sad or not, Sasuke’s blank face made it impossible for his comrades to figure out what he was thinking about.             “Hey Sasuke, if you’re not gonna finish that, can I . . . .” Suigetsu began. Sasuke pushed his plate towards him. “Damn, you should lose your appetite more often.”             “Was there something you had with Rayna?” Jugo asked.             Sasuke didn’t say a word. Rayna was still a sensitive topic to bring up. But he kept his cool, for the time being.             “Of course there was something between them,” Suigetsu munched. “Seven years on working with Sasuke, I’ve got him figured out. Rayna was precisely his type: compassionate, smart, outgoing, and giggly. Though you knew where you stood with her, right Sasuke?”             Jugo observed his leader. Sasuke then finally raised his eyes and looked at his loyal team. The sorrow turned into hate; after Rayna died, Team Hawk deserted the Akatsuki. The pursuit of destroying Konoha would have to wait; Sasuke turned his vengeful ambition to Madara and his ten-tails. With Itachi’s eyes, Sasuke plotted to turn the beast against Madara and avenge the Uchiha.             “Eh, he’ll get over it. There are plenty of fish in the sea,” added Suigetsu. “Literally, you can have all the women you want now that we’re older. Any chick you turn down will have a shoulder to cry on.”             Suigetsu scanned the sleazy restaurant. He saw all the women looking over Sasuke and blushing at his looks. His attention immediately turned to the front when he heard the doors whip open. He was mesmerized at the sight: a woman with long chocolate colored hair with a natural curl, and sexy hazel eyes. She wore a short gray skirt and a khaki trench coat. All she had for weapons was a katana and a manrikigusari.             “Hello dangerous beauty,” Suigetsu spoke. “So cute she tries to look so tough.”             “I’ve learned the hard way, never underestimate women if they have that look in their eyes,” Jugo said.             “I only see the looks of my kind of lady.”             She approached the bar to speak with the bartender. Suigetsu and Jugo weren’t close enough to hear their conversation, but once the woman held out her hand, they started making guesses. Secretly, Sasuke watched her too. The woman was insanely thin, and a bit bony; she looked like she had been in a recent fight.             “That’s as high as I can go,” said the bartender.             “Maybe next time you should choose your words wisely. Now I know you have the amount, and with all the business you do, I’m only taking 1% of the total you make,” persuaded the woman.             “No way, I’ll give you $50,000.”             “$130,000 was the promised bounty.”             “I can’t go any higher than $55,000.”             “You know I’m an honest person, and I always do the job. However, if one side of the deal falls flat, the deal itself falls. All it will take is a heartbeat for me to release the man you’ve been searching for.”             The bartender gave up. He took out the stash and handed it over to her. She smiled at him then unexpectedly gripped his collar and threw him on top of the bar; she locked his right arm behind his back and placed her katana next to his throat. Suigetsu, Jugo, and even Sasuke were taken back. Sasuke’s eyes widened once he got a good look at her face.             ‘Rayna?’ he thought bedazzled.             “$35,000 is less than your so called limit. Your guy, right now, likes the fact that the ropes are loosening. Do you see him over there in the back corner? My master was willing to help you out, but if you don’t come through then I’m granted to eliminate you. Because I don’t love money, I’ll make another deal with you,” said the woman.             The bartender struggled to break free, but her tiny arms had more strength than he thought. He grunted with frustration. Her strength and force burned through his skin.             “Ugh, alright, what do you want?”             Once the bartender told her what she wanted to know, she made another threat. Still, even with that unforeseen turn, Suigetsu, Jugo, nor Sasuke could hear her. Then she patted his back and laughed. The way she smiled and the sound of her laughter brought back all the lost memories Sasuke already forgot. All of her intensity disappeared. The bartender’s face, though, remained traumatized.               “Hey buddy,” spoke a customer. “Are you okay?”             “Did you see that?” he asked.             “Man, all I did was ask for another drink and then you started hyperventilating.”             “Never mind, she’s too wiry and unpredictable. Who laughs after giving a threat?” Suigetsu asked.             “Apparently she does,” Jugo answered.             Sasuke finally spoke, “We were under a Genjutsu. Nobody else noticed expect us and the bartender.”             “A bounty hunter that knows Genjutsu? That’s a first.”             “Suigetsu, go talk to her, she may be of some help to us. Tell her about our ambition and we’ll offer her a job,” Sasuke ordered.             “Eh, why do I have to talk with the odd ones?” he complained. He glanced over at the small figurine sitting at a table in the back corner. “I want another round of all-you-can-eat when I get back.”             “She really does look like Rayna,” Jugo spoke. “For a moment, I thought it was her, but she’s dead right?”             Sasuke blankly stared at the mystery woman. He saw how her body language cowered, and the way her hair hid her face. He tried to figure her out; what was so intriguing about her that caught his attention? Was that really Rayna? She ignored Suigetsu’s approach, so he took a seat to meet her face. Her body stiffened, but her eyes rolled up to meet the identity of a stranger.             “I’ll make this brief. My team and I saw that you’re a bounty hunter and we’re looking for a few people, so we thought you could join our search party,” Suigetsu offered.             “What’s the point in hiring a bounty hunter if you’re searching anyway? And I don’t tag along in groups, it defeats the purpose,” the woman replied.             “Listen . . . .”             “Emma,”             “Emma, you see we were the only ones who saw through you Genjutsu charade, and judging from the situation, you’re searching for someone too. Now my leader over there, the crow head with the attitude, is willing to help you out if you help us.”             “We’re still at the point where it doesn’t make sense,” Emma replied.             “Suigetsu sighed. “Man, you’re a lot of work.”             “Are you sure you’re not looking for a babysitter?”             “Women . . . .”             “Wait a sec, isn’t that Sasuke Uchiha the missing-nin from Konoha? Oh this is gold, hey, he is worth gold. Then again, it’s more fun in tracking down the target rather than picking them up easily,” Emma joked.             “Are you finished?” Suigetsu impatiently asked.             “Just who exactly are you looking for?”             “To be honest, his kids.”             “Get out of here.”             “Don’t act like that! I’m sure by now everyone knows of our offspring, Rayna Uchiha.”             Emma shuddered at that last sentence. She turned her surprised eyes up towards the deadly face of a criminal.             “What did you say?” Emma growled.             Team Hawk dragged Emma away from the public so they could talk privately and straighten their stories out. Sasuke informed the “Rayna look-alike” of her death a few months ago. It didn’t settle well with Emma.             “Rayna was my sister, my twin sister!”             “I guess she was the sane one,” Suigetsu teased.             “She only mentioned you once. All she gave me was your name and the day you disappeared,” Sasuke spoke.             “There was an indescribable emotion in the waterfalls; they attacked the land and flooded more than half. Water was at waist level. It overpowered me and washed me away from home, I didn’t know which way to go,” Emma explained. “You really thought I was her?”             “You’re twins right?” said Sasuke.             “So then you’re the father of my nephews.”             “How do you know if I have sons?”             “Oops, umm, funny story . . . . well not really, but . . . . umm, could you just not stare at me like that?”             “Like what?”             “All suspicious and tense, and a bit fond,” Emma remarked.             “Women,” Suigetsu said. “They’re all so much work.”             Team Hawk, along with Emma, had spent the next few months searching for the youngest Uchiha. Sasuke had no leads to where they could be, so he relied on Emma to come up with possibilities. They stayed in a small cottage located nearly out in the middle of nowhere. Because of their time together, the boys have naturally grown accustom to Emma, and she’s slightly warmed up to them as well. Suigetsu and Jugo were out scouting, Sasuke was roaming around somewhere, and Emma lay on the bare floor alone in her room thinking.             “Do you despise furniture?” Sasuke appeared. “Every time I check on you you’re always on the floor, but never on your bed or anything else.”             “Well the floor isn’t as comfortable as sleeping in an herb patch next to the waterfalls,” she exclaimed.             At first he thought she was joking, but she kept a straight look on her face. Sasuke gave her a weird look. “I remember doing that. I spent the night at your sister’s grave; she’s buried near one of the waterfalls.”             Emma’s pale face sank into disappointment. Sasuke’s tone would change from cold and monotonous to affectionate whenever he spoke about Rayna. She missed her sister, but she also envied her.             “I’m not my sister,” Emma told Sasuke.             “I know,” he simply replied.             “She was always the leader and everyone loved her. It’s obvious you fell into that crowd as well.”             “And you’re the shy independent woman with a goofy side. There’s strength and sexiness hidden in you. You’re oblivion overpowers that.”             “What’d you expect?”             “Don’t think I can’t see the truth. Rayna pulled the same trick on me once. I know what you’re up to,” Sasuke remarked.             “What am I up to?”             “What do you mean?”             “You think I’m lying? It’s like I said before, I’m an honest woman. So I’ll honestly spill out that I was hired to search for my nephews and slaughter them.” Emma confessed.             “I was waiting for that one.”             “What, you knew?” Emma’s voice rose in amazement.             “Unlike your sister, you’re too predictable. It’s bad for you but good for your foes,” Sasuke told her.             “See I was being honest when I told you I’m not my sister, although I’ve always had better discernment that her. There’s something in you she must have missed.” Sasuke blankly stared at her. “You’re irreversible; you’re way too lost to return to the man that was once loveable.”             The truth hurt and stung Emma when she confronted Sasuke what he truly was, though it didn’t matter. If Sasuke ignored all of the red flags before, then he was truly permitted to live a short life. But Emma was thrown off when he sneered at her.             “Did you call me loveable?”             Emma’s eyes widened. “That’s not a remark to smile about. Wait, you smiled! Whoa, I could never picture you smiling.”             “You pictured me?” Sasuke smirked again.             “You said I was sexy,” Emma choked.             “Yeah about five minutes ago.”             “Shut up,” Emma warned.             Sasuke took a step closer to her. Still on the floor, Emma rolled away, but Sasuke kept inching towards her. He actually enjoyed chasing the mouse.             “You’re right. You’re not Rayna because she refused to runaway with me.”             “Rayna may have fallen for your sweet talk, but I’m most certainly won’t.”             As she stood up, Sasuke rapidly stood directly in front of her. His tasty breath travelled all the way through her clothes and down her chest. Her skin was covered with goose-bumps. Sasuke lowered his voice to a deep whisper as if someone was listening.             “Maybe you didn’t fall for my sweet talk, but fell for yours.”             Emma blushed and giggled within herself. Sasuke’s fingertips felt and caressed her arms. Once his words got to her head, her expression changed to confusion.             “Since when did I ever use any sweet talk?” she asked.             Sasuke caught her off by bringing her in for a sweet passionate kiss. It was a lovely kiss, except Emma was worried that Sasuke might mistake her for Rayna again. She had nothing to be concerned about once Sasuke broke away and whispered her name.             Sasuke smashed his lips harshly with Emma’s. Then he picked her up and slammed her body up against the wall; she wrapped both her legs around his back. Sasuke had Emma’s arms locked above her head; she was pinned as if she were a fighting hostage. Sasuke’s tongue wriggled to slide inside Emma’s mouth, but she wouldn’t allow it. So he travelled down to her neck and sucked away while one of his hands nimbly undid the buttons on her shirt. Emma moaned when Sasuke bit on a soft spot; the harder he bit, the louder she moaned, and the tighter her legs squeezed his back. The sound of her voice pleased him.             Once Sasuke had gotten Emma’s shirt unbuttoned, he aggressively set her down on the bed. Both began to remove every single piece of clothing. Emma noticed the quick change in Sasuke; he had suddenly become angry. Now in the position, she started to question the situation; what was Sasuke thinking about?             “Sasuke,” Emma softly spoke. He observed her tiny body; her sky blue panties were all she had on. “You can call me Rayna.”             A sparkle appeared in his hate-filled eyes, but he shook his head. Once he removed his bottoms, right away — after breathing some fresh air — his friend hardened and perked at Emma. Her jaw dropped at his busty prize, and her knees wobbled at his dreamy V-shaped body. Sasuke climbed into bed and softly kissed Emma. His hands rubbed both her chest and lower thigh. Her legs gradually spread apart to make way for his head to play. Sasuke slowly removed her panties and smirked at the fact that she was excited. Emma blocked her entrance with her hand. Sasuke gripped her wrist and removed it.             “69,” he spoke.             “What,” Emma gasped.             “If you don’t know what it is, then this must be your first time.”             “Well I know what it is, I-I’ve just never . . . . performed it.”                Sasuke sneered again. “I’ll teach you.”             A whole new world was opened before Emma’s eyes. Sasuke was below her showing her the preparation before the collision; his wet actions brought strange feelings to her body, she couldn’t bare it any longer.             “Aww . . . something’s coming!” she panted.             After Sasuke licked up the salty delight, he ordered Emma to lie down on the bed. He brought her legs up and out. She braced herself and fearfully watched as Sasuke’s stick popped her cherry. Emma swallowed her tongue, her voice drowned in the pain. Sasuke grunted at how tight she was; however, Emma picked up on where the rest of the grunting and growling came from. Finally, he was letting it all out. Emma’s moans turned into meek shrieks as Sasuke forcefully spread her legs even farther and rammed all of him inside of her small entrance.             Emma’s first time pleasure turned into a horrible stinging as she saw Sasuke activate his Mangekyo Sharingan. He lifted her hips so he could shove his penis deeper in her; then he started to twist and turn. Every thrust in, blood would splash out, some drops even landed on his body.             “I . . . can’t . . . . love . . again!” Sasuke growled.             Emma panted at his hard thrusting. She felt like she was being ripped apart. Sasuke’s rage and humps never slowed down, even when he released inside of her, he kept jamming deeper into Emma. She didn’t know how he could go so far in, but Sasuke made it possible. Emma opened her eyes and saw the agony in the man she was making love to; his blank face finally changed.             “Let it out!” Emma yelped.             “RRRRAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!” Sasuke screamed.             Then at last, his powerful thrusting ceased and his tired sweaty body plopped on top of Emma’s. His head weighed down on her stomach. She didn’t do anything else but caress his damp hair and comfort him.             Sasuke woke up a few hours later lazily resting on Emma’s bed. Emma was still undressed but well awake. Her thighs were sticky with dry blood, so she took a wet cloth and cleaned herself.             “Did I do that to you?” Sasuke asked.             “It’s nothing to fret about,” she replied.             “Why are you whispering?”             “Your comrades are sleeping.”             Sasuke felt guilty when he saw Emma wobble over to him. He sat up and admiringly watched her take the wet cloth and wipe the dry blood off of him. Emma gave a sorrowful look then activated her Sharingan. Sasuke frowned and triggered his Mangekyo.             Emma started. “There’s something you need to know.”             Sasuke shrugged and slowly rolled out of bed. He picked up Emma’s clothes and tossed them to her. Then he grabbed his chakra blade and pointed it at her.             “Spill,” he monotonously demanded.             “I’m a double agent, actually triple. I’m not a bounty hunter; I’m really a shinobi of the Hidden Leaf,” she explained. “My mission for the Leaf was to track you down. I didn’t know you were one of Madara’s pawns.”             “Not anymore,” he interrupted. “How did you come across Madara?”             “He showed up one day and went off about my sister. He told me everything, about your relationship with her and her pregnancy. I was disguised as a bounty hunter to avoid any unnecessary encounters.”             “She hid them so Madara wouldn’t find out.”             “Well he did, so that’s why he forcefully hired me to search for my nephews, your sons. But it was how he assigned me that puzzled me at first, but now I understand.”             Sasuke waited for her answer.             “He knew, along with everyone else, they knew I would fall for you.”             “I don’t remember seeing you in Konoha.”             “That’s because I didn’t disappear from Novo until at the age of fifteen.”             “Why are you telling me this? You’re not gonna receive mercy from me regardless.”             “Because I fell for your sweet talk, and I now see that Rayna had more discernment than I,” she replied.             Sasuke dropped his chakra blade. Emma wasn’t holding a weapon, but he did feel a sudden strike. He peered into the eyes of the other Uchiha. In his head he remembered Rayna’s last words to him, except he didn’t see her, Emma was all there was. He walked over to her and unthinkably pulled her in for a firm embrace.             “You saved me. Both of you,” Sasuke spoke.             “Rayna asked for you to leave your kids alone didn’t she?”             “Their fates and futures surpass all of this. Emma, will you do something for me?”             “Anything,” she replied.             “Will you come away with me?”             She closed her eyes and hugged him tighter. It was love that turned Sasuke into darkness, although he chose to hold on to the past and hurt himself even more. Now, he started to move on and Emma hoped that Sasuke would start to walk with the light.             “How do you like living here?” Sasuke asked.             “It’s private and really dark. What made you change your mind?” Emma questioned.             “Itachi left me the Uchiha name to pass on, and I’ve done just that. The boys will be safe in your chosen destination,” Sasuke grunted before he could speak again, “They’ll put the Uchiha name back in praise rather than in vain.”             Both Emma and Sasuke reacted when they heard the rustling of human bodies entering their hideout. Emma moaned pleasurably at Sasuke’s soft pressure. Their bodies dotingly lay on one another.             “They’re here already?” Emma panted. “It’s been three days.”             “Do you want me to stop?”             “No, just stay inside me until it’s time.”             “Okay,” Sasuke agreed and continued with his rhythm.             When the time came, Sasuke brought his upper body up and grabbed his chakra blade. He pointed the handle at Emma; she took it and wrapped her arm around his shoulder. Sasuke leaned over to kiss her one last time, his lower end still in motion. The minute their door opened, Emma pierced Sasuke’s blade straight through his flesh. The Leaf ANBU gagged when Sasuke’s blood splattered all over the place. Emma knew her death would come soon by Madara, so she shoved the chakra blade all the way through to pierce her chest. Both Sasuke and Emma looked bloodshot; their respiratory system was cut off. Before they left for good, Sasuke mouthed a message to Emma. Her vision was getting blurry, but she managed to make out what he said. I love you.            



Underneath It All (Sasuke Yaoi) for 6Black6Black6Fox

A mask can pretty much hide anything. My whole life I’ve grown up wearing one although I can’t recall the first time I ever put it on; it was forbidden to show anyone what was underneath. I don’t have a name because I forgot it and I haven’t seen my reflection since. I am only alive for one purpose, to achieve impossible ambitions; otherwise, I am nonexistent.

The sunny blue sky was hidden behind a thick blanket of rain clouds. I didn’t have much time until it will soon start to down pour. I wasn’t too far behind; in fact I was literally there. I was inching closer to him, but what puzzles me is that he hasn’t moved from his recent location. Lying before me was and unconscious Sasuke Uchiha. I just stood next to his body observing him; my mission wasn’t to cross paths with him like this.

Must have been some battle he went through.’

I threw Sasuke’s arm around my shoulders and brought him to a small quiet village. It was more of a rest stop for travelers; shortly after I arrived, a heavy rainstorm had begun.

Sasuke and I shared same the room, mainly because it was the last one available. I set him down on the bed to let him rest. There was something peculiar about him; just looking at him brought light my soul, the very soul that has been hidden in the dark for so long. I’m not complaining about the road I’ve chosen, but even at my rank, one is not brushed aside by those who don’t wear a mask. I was so deep in thought I didn’t notice Sasuke sitting up and staring at me blankly. His eyes assumed they knew who I was and what I was after, but even his eyes can be cheated. Nevertheless, I informed Sasuke on how I found him lying in the middle of the road and my purpose for travelling towards his direction. The way Sasuke watched me was surprising, yet enlightening. For once, someone saw me as flesh.

Time was running out. I knew what needed to be done, but getting myself to do it seemed impossible. I looked at Sasuke through my mask. What I really wanted was a chance to see him with my own eyes. Unfortunately, my identity must remain anonymous — I have no identity.

With no trace of my background, or memories of losing loved ones, I realize that I’m unable to truly relate with Sasuke. The fact that we both feel nothing but emptiness is our only common. Still, the thing I most desire was that Sasuke would long to know the person behind the mask, and because of that desire; I was able to develop emotions.

The rain carried on even through the early night, however already Sasuke was preparing to leave. We mostly kept to ourselves throughout the storm; our businesses were our own. He isn’t even aware that I actuallyknow Sasuke better than he thinks. All I want is get close to him, to be touched by him. I want to be the fire that rids away his cold heart. My chest was overflowing with emotions I thought I destroyed. Pain took over me and never went away; it was too great for my heart to handle. I didn’t want him to leave yet. Without even putting any thought to it, I screamed out Sasuke’s name and threw a dozen kunai at him. Sasuke swiftly drew out his blade and dodged every one of them. His eyes widen when he figures out the whole picture. My kunai were merely a distraction; I wanted Sasuke to focus on the weapons so I could use my jutsu and speed to get behind him. Even with his Mangekyo Sharingan, he was still too slow to keep up.

Sasuke grew tense when he realized that his blade was no longer in his hand, but up by his neck. Sasuke’s breathing was hesitant in anger; knowing that a skilled ANBU outsmarted him agitated him.

“What the hell is this?” Sasuke growled.

“I can see it in your eyes,” I whisper seductively. “You want to know what’s behind the mask.”

“Even with the mask I can still see right through you,” Sasuke replied. “So you know everything about me huh?”

As he was talking, Sasuke grips the blade and slowly pulls it away from his neck. Giving Sasuke permission to move made me nervous. My heart rate doubled its beating pace; Sasuke was so close to me, his back against my chest.

“You think I’m completely heartless,” Sasuke continued.

Slowly, Sasuke moves his hand behind his back to touch me. Sasuke teases me by gently — using his finger tips — drawing circles around my manhood. The feel of Sasuke’s fingertips perked up my part and caused it to tingle. While Sasuke was busy with his tease game, I reach both my arms out and grasp his chest and pull him closer to me. Sasuke’s hand was now trapped in between us.

I searched all over Sasuke’s chest. First I felt the fabric of Sasuke’s white shirt, then slithered my fingers under it to touch his skin. Even though Sasuke’s hand was occupied at the moment, he used his other hand to stroke through my long black hair. I take my hands out of Sasuke’s shirt and start untying his rope-belt. Once the belt was untied I slid my hands down Sasuke’s pants to feel his manhood. Indeed it was a true “manhood”; the shape was so thick and wide it made me tremble a little. Sasuke eventually frees his hand, grabs my arms and thrust both our bodies to the floor.

“Don’t think you’re getting it this easily,” Sasuke spoke. “I want to know who’s behind that mask.”

My heart leaped for joy. Knowing that Sasuke truly wanted to see who I was made me beyond happy. Sasuke sits up next to me and stares at my mask. He attempted to keep a blank face, but even I could see his curiosity. He places his hands on each side of my mask and slowly removes it exposing my true face.

“I knew you had unique eyes; fiery red, almost similar to blood.”

Revealing myself to anyone is an extremely dangerous move. I know I shouldn’t do this, but I can’t help it. I gaze into Sasuke’s onyx eyes with fear; then I quickly slam my lips into his. Sasuke remained still for a moment, but soon he returns the kiss aggressively: biting and sucking on my lower lip. My hands enjoyed the feel of Sasuke’s flesh. Suddenly my body felt a cool drift tingle all over me. I open my eyes and see that Sasuke had taken off my shirt and now he was working on my pants. I pull away from the kiss and work on removing Sasuke’s remaining clothes. My mouth drooled a little bit when I fixed my eyes on his muscular, broad, sexy body. He smirked when he noticed my reaction, and to make me a puddle, he flexed.

“You like what you see? I know I like what I see.”

I was only an underwear away from being fully exposed to Sasuke. At this point, my mission and duty as an ANBU was gone. It was just the two of us tonight; nothing else mattered. Sasuke positions himself in front of me and tenderly lays me down. He climbs on top and starts kissing me. Sasuke then kisses my neck and finds a place on my chest to suck, the position where my heart is located. I moan with pleasure and wrap my arms around Sasuke’s back. I then bring my hips up to his and, once again, my part perks way up.

Sasuke then kisses downward towards my lower area. He smirks and removes my boxers; he licks his lips and holds up my part. He moves his hand up and down to get me started. I moan out his name and my body responds as a plea for more. Sasuke lowers his head and takes in all of me; his tongue was dancing and tasting all of it. It felt so good my hips thrust upward towards his head. He then sucks faster and harder wanting me to eject.

“Ahh . . . .” I pant.

I couldn’t hold it in any longer, I released uncontrollably and Sasuke gratefully cleans it up. Already I was drenched with sweat. Now it was my turn to please him. The moment Sasuke climbs on top of me, I immediately turn him over on his back. He wasn’t going to have complete dominance all night. I lean closer to his neck and search for a weak spot — if he had one. Surprisingly the instant I gently bite his collarbone, he slips out a groan. I remove Sasuke’s boxers and play with the tip of his part. He refused to show any pleasure, so instead of repeating what he did to me; I gradually slide my part all the way into his only whole. He was so tight it was difficult to pump, but the more I did, the less tight he became.

Sasuke dug his fingers deep into my skin and scratched my back. The sounds of moaning and groaning came from the both of us. I loved the feel of Sasuke like this. In a little while, I start to pump in and out faster and added more force. Soon the slapping of our thighs grew louder and harder. It was developing again, I was about to eject once more. As I pumped in, I released inside of Sasuke and then some. Unexpectedly he ejected right after me.

I was completely exhausted. My body could barely hold up. I pulled out of Sasuke and collapse right next to him, both panting and shivering in our cold sweat. After tonight, Sasuke and I now share another common.

The ANBU leaders were discouraged that Sasuke was still alive. I told them I lost his track when it rained, and that he was cautious in leaving any tracks for me to follow. But before I returned to report my “failed” mission, I promised myself that I would never again let my mask define my identity. Even now, I don’t think I can go back to the way I was before the mask was off.